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Get Healthy Lose Weight Podcast

Dec 28, 2017

Certain flavors can affect health – we know that the obesity epidemic in the United States likely owes a lot to our national taste for sweets. All those sweet sodas, cookies and candy cause blood sugar, insulin, and hunger to spike and then dip – often leading, in genetically susceptible people, to obesity and type...

Dec 23, 2017

We’ve recently been talking about digestion and how it effects your health and weight loss. If you experience digestive distress, here are some of the top tips to help you improve your digestive health and help you lose some belly fat

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Dec 13, 2017

Five years ago, Cheryl got autoimmune disease.  This led her to go on a get well journey that ended up with her eliminating all of the toxins in her food, her cosmetics, her over the counter drugs, her kitchen utensils and storage, her cleaning supplies, and her water, and also led her to lower her toxic stress, her...

Nov 23, 2017

Hello, and welcome to "Get healthy Lose weight" This is you host and health coach Deanna. Today I am here to do a weightless coaching session for you. Our topic for this episode is the dreaded belly fat. I know some of you have done everything to shed that belly you may even be losing weight but not able lose that...

Nov 13, 2017

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Health Coach Cheryl's proven Simple Swaps approach to health is the answer to vibrant health, great energy and a lean body.  
 You can stop dieting and stop counting calories! 
You can have...