Jun 6, 2019
You’re going along sticking to your diet when suddenly you hit a bump in the road.
Maybe you skip breakfast and wind up eating a double bacon cheeseburger for lunch
because you’re so hungry. Maybe you enjoy healthy dinners, but you snack on potato
chips afterwards because your stomach is rumbling.
Managing your...
Apr 5, 2019
Does Fat Really Make You Fat?
There is an age-old saying that the fat you eat is the fat you wear. With the rise ofnew ketogenic diets where fat is the main nutrient, many people are starting to question if fat really is the answer. So, Where's The Downside?
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Jan 2, 2019
Carb cycling
Article https://healthywithdeanna.blogspot.com/2019/01/carb-cycling-burn-more-fat.html
In some circles, "carbs" is practically a dirty word. Carbohydrate-laden foods like processed breads and sugary treats have given the macronutrient a bad name, But the truth is, some carbs...
Dec 20, 2018
By now, most people are well-aware that foods rich in dietary fiber and the benefits of Probotics offers a long list of benefits and are absolutely essential to overall health. Nonetheless, prebiotic foods are still largely under-appreciated and often lacking in the typical American diet. Unfortunately, this can result...
Oct 10, 2018
My guess for today is Kela Smith a certified master health coach and she work with my clients who are finding it difficult to lose weight get fit and into the body they love without doing crazy diets or strenuous exercise. She does this by teaching them to use food as medicine to detox and heal the body from the...