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Get Healthy Lose Weight Podcast

Dec 20, 2018

By now, most people are well-aware that foods rich in dietary fiber and the benefits of  Probotics offers a long list of benefits and are absolutely essential to overall health. Nonetheless, prebiotic foods are still largely under-appreciated and often lacking in the typical American diet. Unfortunately, this can result...

Dec 14, 2018

Dalfen creates a powerful new approach to dream interpretation that combines insight from Freud, Adler, Jung and Gestalt Physchology. Her method reveals four levels of dreaming that can be accessed to fully interpret and benefit from a dream:

  • Looking into the Mirror: Discovering the problem or issue the dream is...

Nov 14, 2018

Beauty radio presents author Sindy Warren If you believe that Yoga is just what happens on a yoga mat in a 1.5 hour session of Downward Dog and Child’s Pose, then you are missing out on something much more. for healthy lifestyle

Amazon Book

Oct 27, 2018

Top 3 Ways to Stay Motivated for Home Workouts
You just finished a long day at work. It's about 6 PM and now you get to sit in traffic for over an hour until you finally get home to put your feet up. Chances are you may not have the time or the motivation to exercise.

email list

Oct 10, 2018

My guess for today is Kela Smith  a certified master health coach and she work with my clients who are finding it difficult to lose weight get fit and into the body they love without doing crazy diets or strenuous exercise.  She does this by teaching them to use food as medicine to detox and heal the body from the...